PSJ Quarterly Line-Up

April 2012 "The Line-Up" Feature Article
Winning by The Rules
New classes and divisions offered at all levels of horse shows create both excitement and complexity. Competition requirements can vary depending on the respective horse show governing body, association and circuit level which can be confusing, at best.
That being said, Progressive Show Jumping (PSJ) would like to take this opportunity to provide you with some clarity concerning some specific classes and/or classifications and their respective requirements.
PSJ 2’6” Derby Series:
The intent of this newly offered class is to provide the Novice rider who competes at the 2’6” hunter/jumper/equitation division with the same derby riding experience as those offered at the international and national levels. We define the Novice rider as one who competes in the Pre-Children’s/Adult Hunter and Equitation Division(s), the Progressive Jumper Division or the Pony Hunter Division. This rider cannot have shown previously shown in a Division with a fence height which is higher than 2’9”. Professionals are not allowed to participate. Any rider who has won a PSJ Medal Finals is not eligible. Adults may not ride ponies unless they have competed on them in Progressive Rider Jumper Division or the Pre-Adult Hunter/Equitation Division(s).
Pre-Green Hunters:
This division is specifically for those horses and ponies that are in their first year of showing over fences. The only exception is if the horse or pony is age 3, it is then allowed to continue showing in this division the following year. Both non-professionals and professionals are allowed to compete. Adults may show ponies. Do not use this division as a “warm up” if your horse is not eligible. The Hopeful Hunter Division is offered for those purposes.
Pony Suitability:
Size does matter in this case with regard to the welfare of both the pony and its rider. The United States Equestrian Federation (USEF) and PSJ have age limit requirements for the regular Pony Divisions as follows: riders 12 years and under are eligible to ride small ponies; riders 14 years and under are eligible to ride medium ponies; and riders 17 years and under are eligible to ride large ponies. The intent of these requirements is to generally ensure that a pony does not carry a rider that is too large or too small. The Green Pony Division (USEF) does not currently have a size/age restriction other than the rider must be 17 years or younger. PSJ is considering offering a separate Green Pony Division. We would appreciate your feedback on the possibility of adding this Division as soon as possible.
Amateur vs. Professional Status:
Junior riders (17 years and under as of December 1) can receive compensation to ride, train and show horses and ponies. Professional junior riders should, however, closely review the rules for any scholastic riding program in which they may be involved. Some programs, particularly if a scholarship is awarded to attend that particular school, have limitations on prize money won and do not allow some riders to accept compensation of any nature. You are strongly encouraged to visit Interscholastic Equestrian Association (IEA), Intercollegiate Horse Show Association (IHSA),, and the National Collegiate Equestrian Association (NCEA), and familiarize yourself with their regulations.
Those who ride and are 18 years old (as of December 1) are no longer considered Juniors but rather Adults. In order to be classified as an amateur, adults are not allowed to give riding lessons, coach others (in the schooling area and/or show ring); not allowed to receive payment for riding, training or selling of a horse (other than one’s own or immediate family). Gifts received (value of $299 or more) in exchange for such services are not permitted.
We hope this information has been helpful to you and encourage you to contact us at should you have questions, comments and/or need further clarification.
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